Sharing is caring. Winter School in Agri-Food choices a chance to meet communities, values, landscapes and knowledge toward food.
(Baraka Agricultural College – Molo – Kenya, 23 January 2020 – Giulia Z. & Anna F.) How can psychological perspective help to understand and modify the perception, attitudes and behavior toward environmental resources? Simona Sacchi , associate professor of Social Psychology at the University of Milano Bicocca , suggests that there are two main directions which can guide attitudes, believes and values: a top-down approach which is based on three values that forge behaviors (biospheric, altruistic and egoistic value) or a bottom-up process in which behaviors could be forged by perception. Talking about enviromental dimensions, it is necessary to take into account the moral behavior and the moral dilemma which could be faced through two main processes: deontology (when an action is based on internal moral) and consequentialism (when there is analysis of costs/benefits). But which is the best way to communicate environmental change? Could we use moralization in order to persude ...
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