Breaking down European aid paradigms
(Baraka Agricoltural College, Molo, Kenya- 27/01/2020, Pia M., editor Giulia Z.) Day 7 of the WinterSchool on sustainable food systems starts with a short presentation of the group work conducted the day before. All groups have taken an effort to visualize their ideas and go into details on how to realize their first project ideas. Then there is an online lecture of Eduardo Occa, who has been working with malnutritioned children in Tanzania. He points out that there are two different stages of malnutrition- one is the chronic malnutrition, which is an insufficient supply of nutrients within the first 1000 days starting from the pregnancy of the mother until the 2 years of life of the baby. This way of malnutrition affects more than a third of the Tanzanian population and over 25% of Kenya's population. The second type of malnutrition is severe malnutrition, which leads to death if not treated in an hospital and 100.000 Tanzanian children are facing this threat - in Kenya the ...